Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nothing to Do With Cake

Sorry, but this post has nothing to do with cake.... it's just a mom thing! :P

As I've mentioned before, 3 of my 4 kids are percussionists. And if you're wondering... yes, there's always lots of drumming, noise, and music around my house. hahaha
But I absolutely love it!

My youngest son and his friends recently entered Red Bull's Tum Tum Pa contest, (percussion contest) and made it past the first round. Here's the video they made for the second round. If they get enough views on Youtube they will go to Brazil! While there, they would compete in Rio de Janeiro for the world championship. (They decided to play a Brazilian beat just for fun.) The boys could only use office or school supplies for instruments. This video's only a minute long and it's kind of fun to watch. My son's the one playing the garbage cans with rulers and his feet are on the staplers.

.... I'm such a proud mom!!! LOL


  1. Saw the link on Darcee's blog and watched it. Amazing! Good luck to these guys!

  2. I posted it through facebook to try to help. Goodluck.
